The European Committee for Standardization is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.
The CEN General Assembly (AG) is the supreme governing body of CEN and determines the CEN policy.
The General Assembly is composed of the delegations from the National Standards Bodies (NSBs) of each of the Member countries of CEN and of selected CEN partners, who attend the AG as observers (such as: Affiliates, Companion Standardization Bodies, CENELEC, ETSI, ISO, European Partner Organizations, the European Commission and the EFTA Secretariat).
The General Assembly is chaired by the CEN President and meets twice a year. Extraordinary General Assembly meetings may also be convened by the CEN President.
Voting rights are restricted to the CEN National Members.
The CEN Board (CEN/Board) manages and administers CEN’s business by directing the work and coordinating the actions of all CEN bodies with the aim of executing the decisions taken by the General Assembly. In the name of the Association, it takes all the steps it deems essential for the achievement of its corporate goals in its dealings with national, European or international authorities as well as any other organizations or persons.
The Board, which normally meets three times per year, comprises the CEN functions (i.e. the President, three Vice-Presidents Policy, Technical & Finance) and up to nine other Board members, and the President-Elect as an observer. All are appointed by the General Assembly. The CEN-CENELEC Director General acts as the Secretary of the Board.
The Board, among others, is empowered by the General Assembly to manage the technical work by delegation to the Technical Board.
The Presidential Committee (PC) is a joint Corporate Body of CEN and CENELEC. It manages and administers activities with respect to non-sector specific matters of common interest to both Associations, including matters subject to common administration and/or common policy.
The Presidential Committee is composed of the two Presidents of CEN and CENELEC, the two President Elects, the six Vice Presidents and the common Director General.
The Presidential Committee meets regularly, and at least twice per year and reports to the respective Administrative Boards.
The CEN Technical Board (BT) controls the full standards programme and promotes its speedy execution by the Technical Committees (TC), the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC), and other bodies.
Its key responsibilities are to advise on all matters concerning the organization, the working procedures, coordination and planning of standards work, to approve CEN technical policies and strategies, to examine and decide on proposals for new projects.