CEN/TC 139 - Paints and varnishes
CEN/TC 193 - Adhesives
CEN/TC 212 - Pyrotechnic articles
CEN/TC 223 - Soil improvers and growing media
CEN/TC 249 - Plastics
CEN/TC 260 - Fertilizers and liming materials
CEN/TC 276 - Surface active agents
CEN/TC 298 - Pigments and extenders
CEN/TC 317 - Derivatives from coal pyrolysis
CEN/TC 321 - Explosives for civil uses
CEN/TC 347 - Methods for analysis of allergens
CEN/TC 352 - Nanotechnologies
CEN/TC 360 - Coating systems for chemical apparatus and plants against corrosion
CEN/TC 363 - Organic contaminants (tar) in biomass producer gases
CEN/TC 386 - Photocatalysis
CEN/TC 401 - Reduced Ignition Propensity Cigarettes
CEN/TC 411 - Bio-based products
CEN/TC 421 - Emission safety of combustible air fresheners
CEN/TC 437 - Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids
CEN/TC 455 - Plant Biostimulants
CEN/TC 462 - Regulated chemicals in products
CEN/SS C10 - Starch
CEN/SS C20 - Explosives and firework
CEN/SS I44 - Nanotechnologies
CEN/WS 089 - Platform - Guidelines and best practices for sustainable production of carbon nanotube-based nano-enabled products (CNT-based NEPs)
CEN-CLC/BTWG 11 'Sustainable chemicals' final report: Identification of potential needs of standardization for sustainable chemicals from primary and secondary raw materials related to the circular economy action plan'
The Work Programme gives an overview of the main standardization developments and strategic priority areas CEN and CENELEC are ready to implement in 2025
Check out the latest news and information related to your sectors or topics of interest.