CEN/TC 44 Commercial and Professional Refrigerating Appliances and Systems, Performance and Energy Consumption
CEN/TC 46 Fireplaces for liquid fuels
CEN/TC 57 Central heating boilers
CEN/TC 109 Central heating boilers using gaseous fuels
CEN/TC 110 Heat exchangers
CEN/TC 113 Heat pumps and air conditioning units
CEN/TC 130 Space heating and/or cooling appliances without integral thermal sources
CEN/TC 171 Heat cost allocation
CEN/TC 195 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases
CEN/TC 295 Residential solid fuel burning appliances
Benjamin de VILLE de GOYET
The Work Programme gives an overview of the main standardization developments and strategic priority areas CEN and CENELEC are ready to implement in 2025
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