In an age of constant change, developing and maintaining a safe, efficient, resilient and sustainable transport system in Europe is vital for the citizens, the economy and the environment. Thanks to a strong expertise of the European industrial actors, SMEs and sectorial federations on this domain, the European standardization
of transport systems is active on every field: from the road to the space, from the rails to the water. This work encompasses horizontal topics of various nature such as interoperability, intermodality, the transport of dangerous goods and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
Many of the standards developed and adopted by CEN and CENELEC in this sector respond to Standardization Requests by the European Commission. These Harmonized Standards (hENs) support the implementation of relevant European legislation. In this field, European standards developed by CEN and CENELEC are a crucial support for the EU Directives relating to the interoperability of Europe’s rail system (2016/797/EU), the recreational crafts and personal watercrafts (2013/53/EU), the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure (2014/94/EU) and the cableway installations designed to carry passengers (2016/424/EU).