In the Air and Space sector, CEN together with CENELEC are developing European Standards (ENs) in different areas such as:
Standards and technical specifications related to parts and materials for the needs of space or for the common needs of space and aeronautics are being developed by the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD-STAN).
ASD-STAN is responsible for the technical aspects of standards defining products, materials, test methods and procedures for the construction, maintenance and use of aircraft and space vehicles including their propulsion units, equipment and electric equipment. It develops specifications for aerospace applications, mainly in the field of engineering materials and components and submits to CEN for adoption as European Standards.
Cooperation with ASD-STAN goes back to 1973 when a protocol between the two organizations was signed. ASD-STAN has been recognized as an Associated Body of CEN in 1986, and is responsible for the technical aspects of standards defining products, materials, test methods and procedures for the construction, maintenance and use of aircraft and space vehicles including their propulsion units, equipment and electric equipment.
ASD-STAN develops specifications for aerospace applications, mainly in the field of engineering materials and components and submits the drafts to CEN for adoption as European Standards.
To date, the technical content of over 2000 European Standards originates in ASD-STAN.
Through Mandate M/496 (Mandate addressed to the European Standardization Organizations to develop standardization regarding space industry - Phase 3 of the process), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI have been requested by the European Commission to develop European Standards for the space industry. To respond to the mandate, the Technical Committee CEN/CLC/JTC 5 'Space' was created in 2011 and close cooperation with the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) has been established.
A large number of ECSS standards follows CEN-CENELEC procedures leading to their conversion into European Standards (ENs).
For more information contact Thierry LEGRAND.