The CEN-CENELEC Sector Forum on Security (SF-SEC) gathers an extended community of experts from different sectors (e.g. transport, environment, innovative technologies, cybersecurity, construction, protective equipment, energy, chemicals etc.) that could potentially be impacted by security events.
The role of the Forum is to coordinate standardization work programme, establish liaisons with professional and technical associations and analyze the different policy initiatives, best practices, and security technologies to work out how standardization can enhance the EU security industry’s competitiveness, dissemination of security products, systems and services and ensure a higher level of internal security in Europe.
The forum has an advisory role and provides guidance to introduce a strategic view on security in the standardization work. Experts are able to consider and make recommendations and/or provide advice on issues impacting societal security to not only CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards, but also to Technical Committees and Working Groups. The Sector Forum will not develop standards or duplicate work already carried out in other structures, but rather focus on the gaps between CEN and CENELEC technical bodies and propose strategic actions when necessary.
The CEN-CENELEC designated Rapporteur of the Sector Forum is Mr Pertti Woitsch. The Secretariat is provided by Mr Janne KALLI from SFS.