List of Nominees 2024


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Nominated by DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung

The construction sector, a cornerstone of the EU economy, generates 18 million jobs and accounts for 9% of European GDP, driving substantial economic growth. Despite its importance, there remains significant potential for digitalisation and automation. The Horizon 2020 project BIMprove aimed to unlock this potential by advancing digitalisation in building construction. By surpassing the capabilities of Building Information Modelling (BIM), BIMprove enhanced the efficiency and outcomes in the planning, construction, and operation of buildings and structures through the use of digital twin technology.

BIMprove successfully developed an innovative digital system that leverages real-time data from robots, drones, and various sensors to monitor construction progress and predict errors at an early stage, thereby reducing costs and risks. This real-time data, obtained through periodic 3D scans conducted by drones, is compared against the original BIM model. To enhance the accuracy of these comparisons, the project utilized surveyor’s markers with precise coordinates, which are typically difficult to access. To address this challenge, BIMprove developed CWA 18046, a standard enabling easy access to these coordinates using QR codes and enabling an automated read-out. This advancement significantly improved the efficiency of construction monitoring, demonstrating BIMprove’s exceptional contribution to the digitalisation of the construction industry.

Nominated by UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione

The TREASURE project aims to ensure sustainable use of raw materials in the automotive sector, promote circular economy practices, enhance economic, environmental, and social performance, and create new supply chains for End-of-Life Vehicles. It focuses on AI-based tools, success stories in key automotive value chains, and integrating key enabling technologies for efficient design, disassembly, and material recovery.

Nominated by UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione

e-SHyIPS is a project focused on developing and promoting the use of hydrogen in maritime passenger transport. It aims to establish new guidelines and frameworks for integrating hydrogen technologies into this sector, contributing to sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation solutions. The project is funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking, part of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe, and Hydrogen Europe Research.

Nominated by ASI - Austrian Standards International

Automated charging is a central technology of the car of the future. As a convenience feature, it not only eliminates handling of a charging cable, it’s also a key technology at the interface between the energy and mobility sectors capable of making a crucial contribution to better integration of electric vehicles into the power grid, thereby promoting the use of renewable energy. Matrix Charging®, developed by Easelink, is one of the world’s leading automated charging technologies. Thanks to conductive energy transfer and the unique design approach, this technology offers major advantages in efficiency and production costs over inductive charging.

Matrix Charging® is currently deployed in the eTaxi Austria project of the cities of Vienna and Graz, the world’s largest pilot project for automated charging. The aim of the project is to demonstrate barrier-free, automated charging points at taxi stands as a key step to-wards the electrification of urban taxi fleets. The 60 taxis retrofitted with Matrix Charging® are engaged in real-world operations and can charge up automatically at 60 charging points. The insights from the project are transferred to other fleet projects, shared within standardization committees, and serve as valuable inputs for the series production of the Matrix Charging® technology.

Nominated by UNE - Asociación Española de Normalización

CHARISMA intends to harmonise Raman Spectroscopy for characterisation across the life cycle of a material, from product design and manufacture to lifetime performance and end-of-life stage.

The project demonstrates the feasibility of its concept in three industry cases. In the long term, it aims to make Raman spectroscopy a widespread technology used within the Industry Commons concept.

CHARISMA aims to strengthening the technical objectives of harmonising Raman Spectroscopy in terms of models, spectra, characterization data and repositories, by launching new standardization initiatives which promote the adoption of the new concepts.

It includes 14 partners from 9 countries, with large experience in research, academia, industry, software and standardization.


Nominated by UNE - Asociación Española de Normalización

INKplant combines different biomaterials, high-resolution additive manufacturing technologies, advanced simulation and biological evaluation, to bring a new solution for the fabrication of biomimetic implants for human tissue regeneration.

INKplant addresses the complexity of regenerating different tissues in the body and has the potential to reduce healthcare costs and rehabilitation time. To do this, it has developed manufacturing technologies and materials for implants, created a workflow for the design optimization of 3D implants, demonstrated the INKplant approach in four different use cases and is fostering the transfer of the technology to clinical and industrial application, using standardization as one of the possible transfer channels.

The project involves 19 partners from 7 countries in the fields of tissue engineering, biomaterials, 3D printing, standardization and bioethics, and includes world market leaders in additive manufacturing, and four different University Hospitals, two of them among the largest in Europe.

Nominated by IPQ - Instituto Português da Qualidade

The main aim of STAND4EU is to address the barriers to innovation and standardisation between research and industry by fostering standardisation activities as a mean of knowledge valorisation; Identifying more agile approaches for standards setting processes and ensure standards facilitate the entry into the market of innovative solutions.

Nominated CEI - Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano

The extensive integration of renewables in the electrical energy distribution system is an essential step in the energy transition process. However, due to the increasing presence of equipment based on power electronics, this contributes to the degradation of the quality of power supply. Therefore, accurate Power Quality (PQ) monitoring holds greater and greater importance. Instrument transformers are key elements in the PQ measurement chain, since they reduce the grid high voltage and current to levels matching the PQ measuring instrument inputs. They are generally calibrated at power frequency only, despite their response can vary with the frequency, depending on their operating principle and construction solutions.

Following needs for research activity expressed by IEC and CENELEC TC 38, the 19NRM05 IT4PQ project developed the missing metrological framework for instrument transformers to be used for PQ measurement in terms of PQ specific accuracy limits, reference generation and measurement systems for their characterisation under realistic waveforms, and suitable test procedures. Recommendations were submitted to IEC TC 38 and IEC TC 38 WG 47 to contribute to a new Technical Specification, on the requirements for the use of instrument transformers for PQ measurements, which will integrate and extend the IEC/TR 61869-103.


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Nominated by DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung

Kurt Zatloukal is Professor of Pathology and head of Diagnostics and Research Center for Molecular Biomedicine at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. His fields of expertise range from basic research in molecular pathology of metabolic diseases and cancer to biobanking and quality management, research on highrisk pathogens and drug development.

Prof. Zatloukal has extensive experience in biomedical research and the development of European and international standards. Both as a partner within European research projects such as SPIDIA1, SPIDA4P2 and bigpicture3 or as the coordinator of European research projects such as Instand-NGS4P4, Kurt Zatloukal is a driving force behind linking research and innovation to standardization. This includes both the initiation and development of new projects within committees such as CEN/TC 140/WG 3 and ISO/TC 212/WG 4 as well as raising awareness to the importance of standardization within research consortia and academic communities.

Nominated by DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung

Kira Oberschmidt did her PhD at Roessingh Research and Development and the University of Twente in the Netherlands. The focus of her research is on the processes of active stakeholder involvement in eHealth research through Action Research.

Within the European R&I project Pharaon6 Dr. Oberschmidt lead the pilot’s activities with regard to the successful conduction of Action Research within the project, and guided their reflection on the process.


Nominated by UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione

Arianna Bionda, senior researcher at Politecnico di Milano, participates in an interdisciplinary team specializing in Vessel and Yacht Design. Her research integrates cutting-edge technologies and materials into maritime and naval architecture, addressing digitalization, sustainability, and circular economy. She is representing member for the Design Department in the Politecnico di Milano Hydrogen JRP. Arianna holds leadership roles as Vice-Director of the Specialized Master in Yacht Design, Director of the Executive Interior Yacht Design course, and founder of the Young Professional in Yachting Italy association, demonstrating her dedication to advancing education and professional standards in the field.

As part of the management team for e-SHyIPS, she is contributing to the development of a CEN Workshop Agreement focused on design and installation guidelines for hydrogen-based propulsion systems on passenger ships. Her expertise in maritime ensures that the project’s lean-agile methodology effectively mitigates risks associated with passenger ship design and operation, promoting sustainable solutions. Arianna has played a pivotal role in presenting the e-SHyIPS project at key standardization forums and meetings by SFEM WG Hydrogen workshops 2021, CEN/CLC/JTC 6, EU Research Day 2022, and ISO/TC 8. Her contributions underscore her influence and leadership in shaping standards and regulations for hydrogen applications in maritime industries.


Nominated by UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione

Giovanni Di Ilio is Assistant Professor at the Engineering Department of University of Naples “Parthenope”, where he conducts research in the field of hydrogen technologies for sustainable mobility. He is involved in several EU projects, among which e-SHyIPS - Ecosystemic knowledge in Standards for Hydrogen Implementation on Passenger Ship, funded by Clean Hydrogen Partnership. As part of this project, he is involved on a wide spectrum of multidisciplinary activities, from the definition of technical requirements for future hydrogen-fueled vessels, to the development of their fuel cell electric power unit and, in particular, he is responsible for the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities. Within this project, he holds the role of Project Leader for the development of a CEN Workshop Agreement focused on the design and installation guidelines for hydrogen-based propulsion systems on passenger ships. This document represents a major output of the project, and a significant step towards the actual implementation of hydrogen technologies in the maritime sector. The activities carried out by Giovanni are well reflected in this CEN Workshop Agreement, which is the result of an intense research path, that moves from conceiving innovative technical propulsion systems towards the definition of key standardization rules for their use.

Nominated by SN - Standards Norway

Dr. Rønning utilizes her extensive professional expertise and experience in her field, bringing the same level of engagement to standardization efforts. For many years, she has been a productive scientist with research focused on the development of life cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental product declarations (EPD) across various areas and sectors.

She authored a PhD dissertation titled "Travels with LCA: The Evolution of LCA in the Construction Sector," which describes the development of life cycle analysis as a professional field. Over the past 25 years, she has been actively involved in standardization especially within the construction sector.

Dr. Rønning's serves as a convenor and an expert in multiple committees and working groups, contributing significantly to the advancement of her domain. Getting international experts with different backgrounds to understand each other is challenging, but her professional confidence fosters excellent collaboration in the working groups and committees she participates in.

Anne Rønning is a key contributor to Europe's ongoing “Twin Transition”, as highlighted in the CEN-CENELEC strategy.

Nominated by NEN - Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut

Prof. Dr. Ir. Henk de Vries is Professor of Standardisation Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Being part of the Innovation Management section, his education and research focus on the links between standardisation and innovation. He has educated thousands of students on standardisation and innovation management, provided advice to companies and other stakeholders (directly or via student internships or PhD projects he supervised), and (co)authored wrote more than 400 publications on standardisation. Sustainability is integrated in both education and research.


Nominated by IPQ - Instituto Português da Qualidade

Prof. Gabriel Pestana holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Technical University of Lisbon. His research involves applied methods in knowledge management and collaborative decision-making platforms. He specializes in modelling data governance workflows for critical information structures essential for optimizing organizations' data governance and decision-making processes. He has extensive experience in solutions focusing on data semantics, context awareness, and data analytics with role-based alerts. He is skilled in designing innovative solutions using information visualization and analytics models, supporting intelligent business process automation. Actively engaged in national and international research projects, integrating Insight Knowledge and Data Analytics concepts to optimize Information Systems, mainly in the sectors of security and healthcare.

Nominated by BSI - British Standards Institution

Dr Charles Clifford has been involved in ISO, IEC and CEN standards for over 16 years and has engaged in various projects and shared scientific expertise and research insights that have helped inform the development of many critical standards. 

Charles is head of the UK delegation to ISO/TC229, CEN/TC352 and IECTC/113. He is the chair of the British standards institute (BSI) mirror committee to all nanotechnology standards NTI/1.  He is chair of ISO/TC201/SC1  and secretary for BSI mirror committee to ISO/TC201, CII/60. He is also convenor ISO/TC201/SC9/SG5.

Charles has demonstrated excellent commitment to the areas of terminology, measurement, and characterisation standards in nanotechnology and surface technology.  

Nanotechnology is the manipulation of materials at the nanoscale, the technology has revolutionised scientific thinking in many sectors, from medicine to manufacturing.  With the developing of standards supporting the confidence in the application of nanomaterials in everyday products.

Charles has worked in a number European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) project portfolios which have seen the development of key standards which going forward benefit the onward development of the technology.   


Nominated by NSAI - National Standards Authority of Ireland

Gizem YARDIMCI is a PhD researcher at ADVANCE CRT, Maynooth University. Her research aims to explore how political bots are used as a tool for manipulation in political elections in Europe. Additionally, this research focuses on how the European Union’s AI Act could govern the use of political bots from being used as tools for manipulation without interfering with pluralism and freedom of speech and information.

Gizem holds an LL.B. from Marmara University (Istanbul, Turkey). She has been a qualified barrister and a member of the Ankara Bar Association (Turkey) since 2014. In 2020, she completed a Master of Human Rights at the Ankara University Human Rights Centre (Turkey). Her master’s thesis explored the right to free elections in the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. During the master program, in 2017, she participated in `Ethnicity, Conflict, and Inequality in Global Perspective Program by Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI)` at Brown University, in the US. She also carried out consultation for "Anti-discrimination and Equal Treatment Rights Project" at Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East (TODAIE).

Young Researchers

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Nominated by DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung

Luzie Kromer is a research associate at the Department of Innovation Economics at TU Berlin and the scientific director of the German Standardization Panel. She is in the second year of her Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Knut Blind. Her doctoral research focuses on the role of standardization in combating climate change.

By working with extensive panel survey data from Germany, she identifies gaps and potential areas for improvement in current standardization practices in general and in the context of climate change specifically. Additionally, Luzie Kromer explores economic geography of standards using web-scraped data to closely examine the adoption of Management System Standards (MSS) in Germany, uncovering patterns and gathering insights to formulate better implementation strategies. Her work provides a crucial understanding of how standardization can drive effective climate action and where respective action could be executed. She holds a master’s degree in politics and public administration from Konstanz university and the Università degli studi di Pavia.


Nominated by NSAI - National Standards Authority of Ireland

The research focuses on refining standards related to building energy efficiency and retrofitting by considering realistic occupancy behaviour and the strong relationship between energy & indoor environmental quality (IEQ). This approach enhances models for predicting and optimising energy efficiency and IEQ in residential buildings, addressing a crucial gap in current methodologies. Often, typical models neglect the significant impact of occupancy uncertainty and the complex interaction between energy consumption and IEQ. Such oversights lead to notable discrepancies between estimated and actual energy usage, thereby reducing the reliability of energy assessments.

By incorporating these factors into the analysis, the research significantly improves the long-term accuracy of prediction for energy and IEQ. This advancement aids in refining standards related to building performance and retrofitting, which are now based on realistic occupancy behaviour and the strongly correlated relationship between energy consumption and IEQ. This ensures buildings are not only sustainable but also healthier and more comfortable for occupants. The research's comprehensive and practical approach bridges the gap between theory and application, leading to improved practices in building design, construction, and retrofitting. The project's findings support policymakers, urban planners, and researchers in making informed decisions, driving market innovation, and developing robust energy policies.


Nominated by UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione

Alessio Tartaro is a PhD student at the University of Sassari.  His research dedicated to the intersection of standardization and regulations in the EU, specifically concerning Artificial Intelligence. He believes that standards are crucial for building Trustworthy AI and investigates how ethical, social, and fundamental rights considerations can be woven into AI standards. This represents a novel challenge for standardization, highlighting its increasing societal importance. In order to foster standards that contribute to responsible innovation, Alessio actively participates in technical committees at CEN-CENELEC and ISO/IEC on AI, aiming to integrate ethical and social concerns into these AI standards. Prior to his PhD studies, he gained experience as a scientific trainee in the Digital Economy unit at the Joint Research Centre, conducted research at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and obtained a Master’s degree from the prestigious Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa.

Nominated by UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione

The nominated research focuses on enhancing the image acquisition and processing protocols for Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). The study establishes rigorous procedures to ensure contaminant-free image capture, optimizing clarity and data integrity. Advanced machine vision algorithms, including AI-enhanced models, are integrated for precise component identification. Due to data limitations, the project leverages transfer learning with the YOLOv5 model, showcasing significant innovation. This research promises improved accuracy in PCB analysis, essential for quality control in electronics manufacturing, and has potential applications in various technological sectors.


Nominated by ILNAS - Organisme Luxembourgeois de Normalisation

Maria Hartmann received her BSc. in Computer Science in 2018 from the Free University of Berlin, Germany, and her MSc in Theoretical Computer Science in 2020 from the same university. Thereafter, she joined the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg. She is currently pursuing her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Grégoire Danoy, in the framework of a joint research programme between the ILNAS (NSB) and the University of Luxembourg. Her expertise lies in the field of machine learning and AI, particularly with an application to the aerospace domain.

Nominated by NEN - Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut

Developing an SDG Mark of Conformity

The United Nations approved the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Governments, companies and societal stakeholders all around the world prepare to make the world more sustainable, using the SDGs. Consumer behaviour is an essential element of this. This research aims at supporting consumers to become more sustainable by proposing an SDG Mark of Conformity. Using a multi-method approach, this research shows that indeed such a mark of conformity can have a positive impact.


Nominated by IPQ - Instituto Português da Qualidade

Helena Rosário Da Costa, a Ph.D. candidate at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, is a researcher in the field of AI policy and governance.

Her doctoral research investigates the necessary institutional reforms for integrating new AI standards and regulations among EU Member States, promoted by the upcoming Artificial Intelligence Act, focusing on how governance frameworks must evolve to keep pace with rapid advancements in AI.

Helena's work introduces the AI Policy Maturity Model (AIPMM), a pioneering framework that assesses the readiness of Member States to implement AI policies effectively. Her findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how European countries can adapt to the evolving AI landscape, ensuring responsible governance, policies, and widespread adoption of European upcoming AI standards.

As an expert in CEN-CENELEC and ISO, and the Secretary of the Technical Committee 223 on Artificial Intelligence, Helena plays a crucial role in developing and implementing AI standards in Portugal.

Nominated by IPQ - Instituto Português da Qualidade

João Vieira is a 29-year-old civil engineer from Portugal. After a brief contact with the importance of standards during his Master's thesis, João started to get closer to standardization in 2018, when he worked voluntarily on the “Asset Management and the ISO 55000 group of standards” seminar, held in Lisbon and organized by the Portuguese "mirror" committee to ISO/TC 251 Asset Management (CT 204 – Gestão de Ativos). In 2020, he enrolled in the PhD programme and became a member of the CT 204. After joining the ad-hoc group 1 of CT 204, he moved to the work group GT6 in 2021, where he participated in the translation of the ISO 55002 to Portuguese. In 2022, João joined the work group GT9 (information assets) and, more recently, he is co-coordinating this group. He has also been actively participating in the work group WG9 of the TC 251, where he has been working in the development of the new standard ISO 55013, dedicated to providing guidance on the management of data assets. The nominee also participates in work group WG 6 of the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 41 (Internet of Things and Digital Twin).


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