Join this webinar to know more about how we can make standards work for SMEs! The webinar, organised by Small Business Standards and CEN and CENELEC, will explore how CEN-CENELEC Guide 17 helps ensure that standards are developed with SMEs in mind, making them simpler to implement. We'll discuss the key elements of the guide, why it's crucial for the broader uptake of standards, and how making standards SME-friendly benefits all businesses. Don't miss this opportunity to discover how much you have to gain from using Guide 17 and how its use can contribute to ensure standards contribute to the competitiveness of SMEs and the wider economy.
READ MOREThe new EU Nature Restoration Law is the first continent-wide, comprehensive law of its kind and is a key element of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, which sets binding targets to restore degraded ecosystems, in particular those with the most potential to capture and store carbon and to prevent and reduce the impact of natural disasters.
This webinar will present core information on the Nature Restoration Law and related activities and investigate the potential of standardization to support the objectives of the Nature Restoration Law and biodiversity policy in general.
As a new Joint Technical Committee, JTC 23 is aiming to introduce the purpose of the committee to a wider audience of experts. The established Working Groups will introduce and present their ideas for work items and will inform prospective experts so that they can participate in the Working Groups. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback on the proposed topics. PPE Topics to be covered will include Ensembles, Comfort, Sustainability, Ergonomics, Inclusiveness, SMART, Durability, Fire and Rescue.