Most standards are likely to have a direct or indirect impact on the environment and this has to be taken into consideration during standards drafting. The key objective of the “CEN approach on addressing environmental issues in standardization” (CEN environmental approach) is to put in place a general framework to promote and ensure a better inclusion of environmental aspects in European Standards. It describes the procedures, tools, workflows, and general aspects etc. that are required to better address environmental issues in European standardization activities and identifies roles and responsibilities of the different parties involved in the process. By systematically addressing environmental issues in standardization, direct and indirect environmental impacts can be mitigated, limited or reduced. The CEN approach was adopted by the CEN Technical Board in 2010 and the CEN-CENELEC Strategic Advisory Body on Environment (SABE) had recently revised it.
This webinar will give an overview on the content of the CEN environmental approach and the new elements in the revised version. It will explain its relevance for the CEN technical bodies and reiterate the “mandatory elements” applicable since the adoption of the original CEN environmental approach (original title: “CEN approach on addressing environmental issues in Product and Services Standards”).
More information on the CEN BOSS: