On 5 June, SBS and CEN-CENELEC are co-organising a workshop with the support of the Belgian FPS Economy.
The goal of the workshop, organised under the High-Level Forum on European standardisation (HLF) and its workstream on inclusiveness in national standardisation, is to tackle issues of access and participation in standardisation at the national level and discuss and promote best practices.
In order to do so, the event will bring together government representatives, officials from national standardisation bodies (NSBs) and standardisation practitioners from a wide range of stakeholder communities (SMEs, large companies, consumers, environmental NGOs, trade unions, academia) to share their insights and expertise.
The workshop will be structured around three panels, each tackling an area of interest:
- Obstacles for stakeholders in joining and accessing the standardisation system
- Issues concerning effective and balanced participation of all stakeholders participating in standardisation
- Discussion and sharing of existing best practices and possible measures and solutions
More information: