Who is the target audience of the workshop?
This workshop is intended to be for:
- Technical Committees (Standards’ writers) interested in Climate Adaptation;
- Infrastructure Standards’ users, including designers, operators and maintainers of the built environment covering energy, transport, water, waste and information communications technology sectors;
- Committees and organizations which are relevant for, or which are also addressing climate change adaptation such as climate data providers, ISO and in particular ISO/CCCC; national standards bodies; CEN/TC 467 “Climate change”; and ISO/TC 207/SC 7 “Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities”.
Additionally, we anticipate bringing together CEN and CENELEC TCs, and external participants from e.g. DG CLIMA, DG GROW, JRC, CMCC, EEA and Met. Services and similar organizations such as WMO, DWD from Germany and the UK Met Office.
Join us as you develop standards and want to make them more climate-resilient in the future by talking to those who provide climate data and the people who ultimately use the standards!