Since 2013, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) and the European Standardization Organizations CEN and CENELEC have carried out an annual joint ‘foresight on standardization’ action under the Putting Science into Standards (PSIS) initiative. The PSIS initiative aims to facilitate the identification of emerging science and technology areas that could benefit from standardisation activities to enable innovation and promote industrial competitiveness.
READ MOREThis webinar will:
• explain what sustainable finance is and the related European policy and legislative priorities
• provide an overview of the market needs and market players in this field
• discuss the expectations of the policy makers and market players from the standardization community
• present examples of related European and international standards
This webinar will explain how strengthening the link with Horizon Europe projects is an excellent opportunity for CEN and CENELEC system to be involved in innovative fields and to ensure the timely inclusion of research and innovation results into standardization activities. During this webinar you will also learn how standardization can boost the dissemination of project results and ensure their market uptake.
READ MOREDuring the COVID-19 health crisis huge amounts of disposable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are being used, even when reusable solutions are available. At different levels, the realisation that also PPE needs to be more sustainable is growing. The CEN-CENELEC PPE Sector forum would like to support these efforts by facilitating an exchange with all involved stakeholders to discuss ways to include sustainability aspects into standardization.
READ MOREThis webinar will provide more information on the UNECE Gender Responsive Standards Initiative, and highlight the importance of adopting a gender-lens when drafting standards for the benefit of all. It will present the CEN-CENELEC Gender Action Plan, as well as actions taken at national & international levels by the Standardization community.
READ MOREThis webinar will present what CEN/TC 442 BIM can do for other TCs and some supporting standards available to contribute to the objective of a digital transformation of standards’ TCs.
READ MOREThe webinar intends to provide an update concerning the new blueprint for the future Standardization requests and the state of play of the upcoming Standardization requests that were discussed at CoS.
READ MOREDuring this online workshop, organized by CEN & ASD-STAN, the Associated Body to CEN for Aerospace Standards, you will learn, discuss and exchange on the European technical standardisation and practical deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Systems 'Direct Remote Identification' technology.
The workshop will be in English.
The European Standardization Organizations -CEN, CENELEC and ETSI- have joined forces with The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) to organise a virtual conference on ‘Standardization in support of the Cybersecurity Act (CSA)’.
The event will take place in the afternoons (CET) of 2nd, 3rd and 4th of February 2021 and will feature sessions on the Radio Equipment Directive (RED), the Consumer Internet of Things (CIoT) and 5G among other topics.
A comprehensive introduction to the CEN and CENELEC Strategy 2030, covering strategic context and drafting and consolidation process, vision and mission, goals and priorities. In addition, an overview of next steps will be presented regarding the new Strategy’s implementation and the monitoring and evaluation of progress.