In the field of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling, CEN and CENELEC develop European Standards that provide dedicated methods for measuring the performance of various energy-related products against the requirements determined on individual product measures adopted under the Ecodesign Framework Directive (2009/125/EC) and the Energy Labelling Framework Regulation (EU) 2017/1369.
In particular, CLC/TC 59X ‘Performance of household and similar electrical appliances’, whose Secretariat is currently held by DKE, develops European Standards on methods of measurement for characteristics which are important to determine the performance of electrical appliances for household or commercial use that are of interest for the consumer.
In 2019, the European Commission adopted new Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for individual energy-related product groups, such as household dishwashers, household washing machines and household washer-dryers. Although several standards have been developed in support of previous ecodesign and energy labelling regulations for the same products, these standards needed to be reworked based on the new requirements, which include among others new and simplified labelling system (A-G rating), and the introduction of a mandatory “eco 40-60” programme for washing machines and washer-dryers.
For washer-dryers additionally a wash&dry cycle is now tested and therefore the energy label for washer-dryers provides two labelling systems (A-G rating). The updated standards for washing machines and washer-dryers also include new methods to measure the power consumption in low power modes and two new technical specifications how to measure the temperature inside the laundry and how good the laundry detergent is rinsed off from the washed garments. To reflect consumer washing habits the tests now include quarter, half und full load.
In light of the above, CLC/TC 59X/WG 01 ‘Laundry appliances’ and CLC/TC 59X/WG 02 ‘Dishwashers’ published the following standards:
Washing machines: