To accelerate the development of alternative fuels, multifuel stations integration is fundamental. CEN and CENELEC developed the new Guide 38 to facilitate the integration of alternative fuels at existing fuelling stations and to give guidance to design, authorise and operate new multifuel stations in support of the Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure and of the future Regulation replacing the directive. This CEN and CENELEC Guide also considers other legislations impacting multifuel stations (ATEX, PED, MID).
This new Guide is the result of a brilliant collaborative work led in the Working Group "Multifuel stations" of the CEN and CENELEC Sector Forum Gas Infrastructure, with experts of different technical committees involved in various fuels (natural gas, hydrogen, LPG). A large consultation was conducted to all the relevant CEN and CENELEC Technical Committees (CEN-CLC/JTC 6, CEN/TC 301, CLC/TC 69X, CEN/TC 268, CEN/TC 286, CEN/TC 326, CEN/TC 393 and CEN/TC 408) and coordination group (CEN-CLC/eMCG).
Through Guide 38, the technical committees involved in the standardization of alternative fuels infrastructure will have a better view on how to ensure the global coherence of the integrated infrastructure when developing their respective standards.