On 1 September, the European Commission launched a call for evidence with a view to possibly revise Regulation 1025/2012 on European standardization. The objective was to collect feedback and views on the effectiveness of the current legislation in “meeting the opportunities and challenges of , ensuring the security of citizens and supporting the green and digital transition”.
In its contribution, ETUC does not call for a full revision of but considers that it needs important adaptations to ensure it remains fit for purpose. Among its key demands, ETUC stresses the importance of setting clear boundaries on the scope of standardization so as to avoid having standards tackle socio-political issues, which must be addressed by legislation, social dialogue and collective agreements.
Moreover, Regulation 1025/2012 should foresee a better representation and effective participation of trade unions at national level, in particular when standards address occupational health and safety, work processes or working conditions.
Finally, ETUC calls for the indispensable role of the European Commission in ensuring that harmonized standards are in line with legal requirements, the further strengthening of which it aims to support.
Giovanni COLLOT