In the nuclear industry, specific design and construction codes provide a set of essential engineering tools for the design, construction, and integration of nuclear high safety class components and systems.
The Workshop intends to engage this preparation with the assumption that a large part of European stakeholders will be involved in an evaluation process of different types of reactors, among which AFCEN code-based reactors, in particular during the bid process. Consequently, the CEN/WS 64 Phase 4 will be a convenient opportunity for these stakeholders to get familiar with the standardization process through the AFCEN codes and to learn how to customize them to comply with their specific needs.
The proposer of the Workshop is AFCEN and the secretariat holder of this workshop is AFNOR, the French National standardization Body.
The kick-off meeting will be held on 19th of July on zoom.
The Workshop participation will be open to all interested parties. Interested parties can submit comments on the draft Project Plan via the 'Commenting form' (see below) until the 19th of July and register to the Workshop by sending an email to the Workshop Secretary Ms Djida LAOUBI
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