This workshop is motivated by the currently ongoing Horizon 2020 InComEss project whose objective is to develop efficient smart materials with energy harvesting and storage capabilities combining advanced to harvest electrical energy from mechanical energy and/or waste heat ambient sources.
In line with the sustainable approach of the project, an evaluation of the recyclability of the novel and most valuable materials and components has been carried out using a series of separation and recycling techniques based on mechanical, thermal and chemical processes.
The purpose of this Workshop is to develop a CEN-CENELEC Workshop Agreement (CWA) that compiles the best practices identified for the recovery of novel and high-value materials from end-of-life energy harvesting devices used for IoT and wireless sensor networks.
The CWA is applicable to recoverable materials and components considered of interest based on the design and composition of the energy harvesting systems developed in the InComEss project: PVDF, silver electrodes, polyimide, fiberglass/resin composite, copper, SWCNT, polymeric matrices, CNT, Aluminium, PET and carbon particles.
The secretariat is held by UNE, the Spanish Standardization Body. The kick-off meeting will be held on Thursday, 11th January 2024, from 10:00 to 12:30 CET as a virtual meeting. The Workshop participation will be open to all interested parties.
Interested parties are kindly requested to submit comments on the draft Project Plan using the commenting form until 31st December 2023 and to register to the workshop by completing the registration form and sending it by email to the workshop secretary Carmen Martín Marino not later than 5th January 2024.
Download the documents: