“A Strong Single Market needs a Strong European Standardization System”: CEN and CENELEC brought their messages for the new legislative cycle to the European Parliament. During the September plenary session of the European Parliament, CEN and CENELEC shared their call for a reinforced public-private partnership within the European Standardization System with MEPs and other stakeholders.
A delegation from CEN and CENELEC travelled to Strasbourg to take part in outreach activities to the European Parliament. As a part of this exercise, CEN and CENELEC partnered with European media hub Euractiv for their “Meet the Press” welcome party for new and returning MEPs. This event provided CEN and CENELEC with a platform to share messages with both policymakers and the press in an informal setting.
While in Strasbourg, CEN and CENELEC engaged in bilateral meetings with MEPs and Policy Advisors, such as with MEP Svenja Hahn (RENEW, DE), coordinator for the Internal Market Committee for the Renew Party and Rapporteur for the Amendment to Regulation 1025/2012 on European Standardization during the previous legislative term of the European Parliament.
These activities are a part of the promotion of the CEN and CENELEC Declaration, which calls for European Institutions to leverage the ability of standards to strengthen the Single Market and bolster Europe’s ability to meet the challenges of the Net-Zero and Digital Age. The Declaration identifies three key pillars for the new legislative cycle (2024-2029) to ‘recommit, transform and strengthen’ the Single Market, with specific calls for action identified for each pillar. The Declaration can be read here.