CENELEC published a new important standard for the railway community. EN 50388-2:2025 ‘Fixed installations and rolling stock for railway applications - Technical criteria for the coordination between electric traction power supply systems and rolling stock to achieve interoperability - Part 2: Stability and harmonics’ establishes the acceptance criteria, according to EN 50388-1:2022, for the compatibility between traction units and power supply for known phenomena and known technologies. The standard was developed by CLC/TC 9X ‘Electrical and electronic applications for railways’.
With the European elections approaching, the twin green and digital transitions open new opportunities for the European industry and citizens, in a quickly changing global scenario. But does Europe have what it takes? How can we make sure that it has the skills and the workforce to remain competitive in the global economy? And what is the role of standardization?
Brussels, 12 January - Taking over from the Spanish Presidency, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union began on the 1st of January and will continue until June 2024. CEN and CENELEC, together with their Belgian members, NBN, the Belgian Organization for Standards and Standardization, and CEB-BEC, the Belgian Electrotechnical Committee, are committed to collaborating with the Belgian Presidency to ensure that European Standards are recognized as a vital tool for both present and future issues facing the European Union.
Brussels, 13 December - How can Europe successfully generate and implement carbon-free electricity to support its climate neutrality and Green Deal plans? On 5 December, a stakeholders’ workshop organized by CEN, CENELEC, and DKE explored how standards can support the achievement of an All-Electric Society and the transition of Europe towards Net-Zero.
Data centres are a core element of the IT infrastructure supporting digital transformation. They contribute to a sustainable economy by improving the efficiency along the value creation chain. Nevertheless, data centres consume a significant amount of energy and other resources and are, as a result, also at risk in terms of their environmental sustainability. Due to emerging technologies and applications such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the resource consumption of data centres is constantly increasing.
This workshop is motivated by the currently ongoing Horizon 2020 InComEss project whose objective is to develop efficient smart materials with energy harvesting and storage capabilities combining advanced to harvest electrical energy from mechanical energy and/or waste heat ambient sources.
The CEN and CENELEC Joint Technical Committee 14 ‘Energy management and energy efficiency in the framework of energy transition’ announces the publication of the new standard EN 17669:2022 ‘Energy Performance Contracts-Minimum requirements’ developed by their Working Group 4 ‘Energy financial aspects’.
Brussels/Rome, 19 July 2023 - CENELEC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, and its member CEI, the Italian Electrotechnical Committee, are happy to congratulate Mr Riccardo Lama for his election as the next President of CENELEC.
The objectives of the planned workshop are to define basic principles of zero-defect manufacturing (ZDM), based on the terminology, which was recently created in a CEN-CENELEC Workshop and is available as CWA 17918:2022.