CEN and CENELEC look forward to the European Commission's proposal to revise the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD), the main piece of legislation on consumer protection, which is due for 30 June.
On Thursday 24 June, the CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies overwhelmingly agreed to revise the membership arrangements in their statutes, reflecting the UK’s departure from the EU. The agreement comes after careful consideration by the CEN and CENELEC members of the impacts of the UK’s exit from the EU on the European standardization system and on the organizations' membership statutes.
The European Project SESEI (Seconded European Standardization Expert in India) is one of the most important dialogue projects on standards, established by the three European Standards Organizations, the European Commission and EFTA.
The Africa-Europe Science and Innovation Summit, organized by AERAP (the African-European Science Collaboration Astronomy Platform), will be held virtually from June 14 to June 18, 2021. Within the content of this Summit, CEN and CENELEC, two of the official European Standardization Organizations, will present the dedicated session “Standards - Supporting innovation in Africa - How do standards foster innovation and economic prosperity?” on 17 June.
CEN and CENELEC are looking for Working Groups to pilot the new online platform for drafting deliverables collaboratively.
This year’s edition of the EU Green Week, which is beginning today, 31 May, is dedicated to the “zero pollution ambition”. Every year, millions of people are directly or indirectly affected by air pollution in the European Union. The transport sector is one of the major causes of its pollution and it deeply impacts the health of the population, and particularly of people who live in areas of very intense traffic.
On Tuesday 20 April, CEN (the European Committee on Standardization) and CENELEC (the European Committee on Electrotechnical Standardization) held an online webinar dedicated to exploring the role standards can play in scaling up the implementation of sustainable finance for the transition to a climate neutral economy and a more sustainable world.
One of CEN and CENELEC's Digital Transformation projects, Project 4 ‘Open Source Solutions’, has been progressing with its work to provide Technical Committees (TCs) with a framework for incorporating software and other designs into standardization deliverables. It is now calling for pilot projects and members of the core project team for the next phase of the project.
Today the European Commission is presenting its new, long-awaited regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This focus on AI on the part of the European Commission brings forward not only valuable questions for the continued evolution and safe deployment of this technology, but opportunities for ensuring the digital sovereignty of Europe for the future.
EN ISO/IEC 27701 “Security techniques. Extension to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 for privacy information management. Requirements and guidelines” sets out generic requirements for a Privacy Information Management System whose guidance can be adapted by organizations according to their context and applicable obligations. It can be considered as an international framework, in which it is possible to define more particular, regional refinements.