This CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) aims to cover limitations in existing practices related with the design and planning of Search and Rescue exercises.
The objective of the standardization initiative is to develop a document that guides the officers of the public safety agencies on the development and structuring of the response plans that have to be activated during an emergency. Furthermore, guidance on the sharing of this information among the agencies that are involved in a situation will be provided.
In the face of natural or man-made disasters, urban search and rescue (SaR) teams and other first responders like police, medical units, civil protection or volunteers, race against the clock to locate survivors within the critical 72-hour timeframe (Golden Hours), facing challenges such as instable structures or hazardous environments but also insufficient situational awareness – all resulting in lengthy SaR processes.
STAIR4SECURITY (Standards, Innovation and Research for Security) is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project has been coordinated by CEN with the involvement of four National Standardization Bodies (AFNOR, ASI, DIN and SIS), together with the Chairperson of CEN/TC 391 'Societal and Citizen Security', TFC Research and Innovation Limited, National University of Ireland Galway, and KPMG Future Analytics. The project started in January 2019 and ended in June 2021.
The CEN and CENELEC Sector Forum for Security (SF-Sec) has developed a brochure to share with the security standardization community.