The Workshop Agreement is the result of the initiative of AFNOR, IEEE and VDE to identify the needs for standardization about the concept of Digital Sovereignty in the European context.
The European, as well as the global, B2B platform landscape is characterized by a high proliferation and fragmentation of diverse solutions with few signs of consolidation. Success of a B2B platform economy requires commercial platforms to be collaborative, simple, scalable, secure, and trusted.
The motivation for this Workshop came from multiple European research projects and large-scale pilots that found that they were all needing to identify the most suitable lawful basis for collecting and processing personal health data for the development, deployment, testing and evaluation of digital health innovations. This CWA aims to combine the experience of various R&I projects regarding this topic in a best practice guide on how to obtain user consent for personal health information.
By the end of 2024, USB-C chargers will become the standard charger for the most commonly used electronics in the EU after an agreement was reached between the European Parliament and the Council. CEN and CENELEC welcome this agreement and look forward to further collaboration on this matter.
Data centres have a notoriously high demand of resources: the massively increasing demand for IT services of all kinds continues to lead to rising consumption of (among others) electricity, water and refrigerants. Therefore, it is part of the daily business of a data centre operator to optimise facilities and infrastructures in terms of energy consumption and thus improve the environmental sustainability of the data centre.
To aid in the development of a European Professional ICT workforce, it is important to provide education and training fit to meet the requirements of the ICT professional community. This requires enhanced approaches to address the education of new and existing ICT practitioners and the need for continuous professional development.
The Workshop’s aim is to define a framework for developing age-appropriate digital services for situations where users are children. This topic is relevant for both organisations, CEN and CENELEC.
Privacy and personal data protection are essential in our current society as our offline and digital experiences are increasingly entwined. To ensure that these essential values are taken into account early on in the development of products and services, newly developed EN 17529 ‘Data protection and privacy by design and by default’ provides manufacturers and service providers with requirements before, or independently of, any specific application integration.
On Tuesday 16 November (10.00-13.00), CEN and CENELEC are happy to invite you to the online workshop “Timely delivery of European standards for a Green and Digital, Single and Global Market”.
Brussels – 29 September 2021, Industrial data is of ever-increasing importance for companies in Europe and the world, and particularly so in the context of the digitization of industry. On this topic, on Tuesday 28 September, CEN, CENELEC and ETSI co-organised an online stakeholders’ workshop dedicated to exploring how standards can support the industrial data value chain.