On the 16th of March, the European Commission released the proposal for the Net-Zero Industry Act. CEN and CENELEC welcome the Commission’s proposal to strengthen European Green Industry and are excited to see how standardization can continue to foster innovation in clean technologies.
The twin green and digital transitions open new opportunities for the European economy and for European citizens. But does Europe have what it takes? How can we make sure that it has the skills and the workforce to remain competitive in the global economy? And what is the role of standardization?
On 22 March 2023, SIST, the Slovenian Institute for Standardization, hosted an event on Regulations and Standards attended by 30 students from a local High School. During a three-hour programme, SIST presented standardization through interesting videos and learning materials on standards related to the school environment and free time activities, and involved the students to actively contribute to the topic preparing interactive lectures and a workshop.
The so-called European CSRD Directive (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive 2022/2464) has a significant impact on every business. It foresees the obligation to draw up a Sustainability Statement on their social and environmental impact for all companies whose securities are traded in regulated markets. Consequently, this requirement is not limited to large companies, but it also includes many SMEs (with the sole exception of micro-enterprises).
The CEN Workshop “Mediation Grammar: a standard to enable migrants integration”, has developed its first draft CWA.
Last year, the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of a resolution calling on the Commission to “propose a common legal framework to ensure fair remuneration for traineeships and apprenticeships in order to avoid exploitative practices”, following a campaign by the ETUC Youth Committee (see ETUC press release of 10 November 2022). The issue of internships is now on the European Commission’s Work Programme for 2023.
In February, ANEC sent a Favourable Opinion to CEN on the proposed adoption of FprEN 1466 ‘Child care articles - Carry cots and stands for domestic use - Safety requirements and test methods’, currently under approval. The ballot closed on 9 March, with all votes cast in favour.
The European Commission has published a new Code of Practice on standardization for researchers. The Code provides a set of recommendations to beneficiaries of public-funded research and innovation programmes on how to valorise project results through standardization. The recommendations also target universities and public research organizations, policymakers, and standard development organizations (SDOs).
The new issue of the CEN-CENELEC newsletter 'On The Spot' is out now!
The CEN-CENELC Workshop Agreement (CWA) provides a set of processes for digital services when end users are children, and, by doing so, aids in the tailoring of the services that are provided so that they are age appropriate.