A new CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) is currently being developed to establish guidelines aimed at enabling and optimizing data collection along textile supply chains, with the objective of improving traceability, transparency, and sustainability claims, in line with European regulations. This CWA will build upon the outcomes of the TRICK project, a research and innovation initiative funded by the Horizon 2020 program, which leverages blockchain technology to support circular economy principles and product traceability.
As the use of drones, or Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), grows across industries, the potential for misuse and threats is also increasing, particularly in sensitive areas such as airports, prisons, and critical infrastructure. To address these risks, the new CWA 18150:2024 presents a standardized test methodology that enables a unified approach to detecting, tracking, and identifying (DTI) drones, providing essential guidelines for law enforcement agencies and industries tasked with protecting lower airspace.
The content of this proposed CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) is developed as part of the Horizon Europe project n. 101121167 TeamUP “Holistic capability and technology evaluation and co-creation framework for upskilled first responders and enhanced CBRN-E response”.
This CEN-CENELEC Workshop intends to develop two CWAs related with the automation of road maintenance technologies.
The motivation for this workshop comes from the Horizon Europe funded project MARBEFES - MARine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning leading to Ecosystem Services (Grant Agreement no 101060937). One aspect of the project aims to achieve ecological and socio-economic valuation through a validated set of innovative tools. As part of the development of these tools, the project identified the need for a common methodology for ecosystem valuation which could be applied across European waters.
The CEN Workshop on ‘COURAGEOUS on testing methodology for C-UAS systems’ was kicked off on 4 August 2023. The Workshop’s registered participants have now agreed on the final draft of the CWA.
The planned CEN Workshop Agreement will provide clear guidelines and criteria for products produced without burning fossil fuels.
This CWA presents a methodology for the data-driven management of production processes from inception to operation, which allows to document their lifecycle and gain knowledge through its application. It provides a description of the methodological approach along with the introduction to its primary objectives.
The planned CEN Workshop Agreement will define guidelines for decision-making on designing a Digital Product Passport (DPP), including its data carrier, information portal contents, and information exchanges and applications, based on the experience of the H2020 project CircThread.
The goal of this CEN/WS is the development of a CWA which provides a set of design and installation recommendations for the arrangement and installation of propulsion systems, using hydrogen as fuel, on passenger ships.