The CWAs in the ICT domain that are made available under pre-paid download conditions, are available from the CEN and CENELEC website.
Because of their broader relevance, three CWAs (one CWA addressing the ‘Journalism Trust Initiative’ and Two CWAs addressing Standards Essential Patents in IoT and hence of interest to the R&I community) are also made available for download here below:
CWA 17431:2019 | Principles and guidance for licensing Standard Essential Patents in 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT), including the Industrial Internet |
CWA 95000:2019 | Core Principles and Approaches for Licensing of Standard Essential Patents |
(English version) | Journalism Trust Initiative |
(French version) |
Initiative pour la fiabilité de l'informatique et les bonnes pratiques journalistiques |
Age appropriate digital services framework |
CWAs resulting from an EU-funded project (or more generally a Europe-wide project with public co-funding) are made available for download under this arrangement from this page:
CWA 17147:2017 | Guidelines for the evaluation of installed security systems, based on the STEFi dimensions (CRISP) |
CWA 17145-1:2017 | Ethics assessment for research and innovation - Part 1:Ethics committee (SATORI) |
CWA 17145-2:2017 | Ethics assessment for research and innovation - Part 2:Ethical impact assessment framework (SATORI) |
CWA 17185:2017 | Methodology for Improving the Resource Efficiency of Energy Intensive Industrial Processes (TOP-REF) |
CWA 17284:2018 | Materials modelling - Terminology, classification and metadata (MODENA) |
CWA 17260:2018 | Guidelines on evaluation systems and schemes for physical security products (HECTOS) |
CWA 17300:2018 | City Resilience Development - Operational Guidance (SMR) |
CWA 17301:2018 | City Resilience Development - Maturity Model (SMR) |
CWA 17302:2018 | City Resilience Development - Information Portal (SMR) |
CWA 17335:2018 | Terminologies in crisis and disaster management (DRIVER+) |
CWA 17354:2018 | Industrial Symbiosis: Core Elements and Implementation Approaches (SHAREBOX and EPOS) |
CWA 17381:2019 | The Description and Assessment of Good Practices for Smart City solutions (SMARTER TOGETHER) |
CWA 17382:2020 | Sustainable Energy Retrofit Process Management for Multi-Occupancy Residential Buildings with Owner Communities (SMARTER TOGETHER) |
CWA 17384:2019 | Articulated industrial robots - Elastostatic compliance calibration (COROMA) |
CWA 17437:2019 | Innovative and adaptable envelopes over existing façades in building refurbishment - Design, economic assessment, logistics and installation guidelines (BRESAER) |
CWA 17453:2019 | Bionic Aircraft - Optimized ALM support structures made from Al alloys |
CWA 17454:2019 | Bionic Aircraft - Quality control of metal ALM parts using the Ultrasonic Technique |
CWA 17484:2020 | Anaerobic digestion plants - Feasibility assessment methodology for integrating a Volatile Fatty Acid Platform Technology (VOLATILE) |
CWA 17486:2019 | Verification of performance levels of Galileo Enabled mass-market receivers |
CWA 17492:2020 | Predictive control and maintenance of data intensive industrial processes (MONSOON) |
CWA 17494:2020 | Analytics Insights and Scaling Policies for Microservices (UNICORN) |
CWA 17502:2020 | Privacy of monitoring technology - Guidelines for introducing ambient and wearable monitoring technologies balancing privacy protection against the need for oversight and care (REACH2020) |
CWA 17513:2020 | Crisis and disaster management - Semantic and syntactic interoperability (DRIVER+) |
CWA 17515:2020 | Building a common simulation space (DRIVER+) |
CWA 17553:2020 | Community face coverings - Guide to minimum requirements, methods of testing and use |
CWA 17514:2020 | Systematic assessment of innovative solutions for crisis management - Trial guidance methodology (DRIVER+²) |
CWA 17541:2020 | European Criteria for Quality Internships |
CWA 50714:2020 | Reference model for distribution application for microgrids |
CWA 17663:2021 | Measurement of Worker Satisfaction in Automated Systems - Methodology CEN Workshop Agreement |
CWA 50271:2021 | Recommendations for a modular and cross-cutting Power Take-Off for wave energy direct drive linear solutions. |
CWA 50272:2021 | Methodology, procedures and equipment required for the laboratory testing of a modular and crosscutting Power Take-Off for wave energy converters |
CWA 17664:2021 | Lower-limb wearable devices - Performance test method for walking on uneven terrain |
CWA 17726:2021 | High temperature accelerated ageing of advanced ceramic specimens for solar receivers and other applications under concentrated solar radiation |
CWA 17727:2022 | City Resilience Development - Guide to combine disaster risk management and climate change adaptation - Historic areas |
CWA 17793:2021 | Test method for determination of the essential work of fracture of thin ductile metallic sheets |
CWA 17794:2021 | Measurement of diffusible hydrogen in metallic materials - HELIOS 4 HOT PROBE method |
CWA 17806:2021 | Design Circular Framework Setting - Composite recovery design solutions in the automotive industry |
CWA 17807:2021 | Dismantling methods and protocols in a Circular Economy Framework - Composite recovery in the automotive industry |
Materials characterisation - Terminology, metadata and classification |
Guidelines for the assessment of resilience of transport infrastructure to potentially disruptive events |
Guidelines for the development and use of safety testing procedures in human-robot collaboration |
Lens-based adaptor system for coupling fibre optic to infrared semiconductor lasers | |
CWA 17858:2022 | Guidelines for Traditional Micro-SMEs’ GDPR Compliance |
CWA 17865:2022 | Requirements and Guidelines for a complete end-to-end mobile forensic investigation chain |
CWA 17866:2022 | Key factors for the successful implementation of urban biowaste selective collection schemes |
CWA 17896:2022 | Test method for the evaluation of the adhesive properties of fibre reinforced polymer composite joints |
CWA 17897-1:2022 | Extraction, production and purification of added value products from urban wastes - Part 1: Production and purification of ectoine obtained from biogas |
CWA 17897-2: 2023 | Extraction, production and purification of added value products from urban wastes - Part 2: Extraction and purification of PHA biopolymers |
CWA 17898:2022 | Methodology to quantify the global agricultural crop footprint including soil impacts |
CWA 17907:2022 | European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing Interoperability (EFPFInterOp) |
CWA 17918:2022 | Zero Defects Manufacturing — Vocabulary |
CWA 17933:2023 | Digital health innovations - Good practice guide for obtaining consent for the use of personal health information for research and innovations |
CWA 17935:2022 | Sustainable Nanomanufacturing Framework |
CWA 17938:2023 | Guideline for introducing and implementing real-time instrumental-based tools for biomechanical risk assessment |
CWA 17939:2022 | TRAIN4SUSTAIN Competence Quality Standard |
CWA 17941:2022 | Guidelines for an integrated approach of building retrofitting projects based on enhanced shallow geothermal technologies |
CWA 17944:2022 | Valorization of light hydrocarbons - One-pot method for the preparation of nanocatalysts for non-oxidative dehydrogenation (nODH) of light alkanes |
CWA 17947:2022 | Urban search and rescue - Guideline for the application of a test method for innovative technologies to detect victims in debris (WSCUR001) |
CWA 17953:2022 | Guidelines for dual-based training systems |
CWA 17954:2022 | Characterization of a hybrid heat pump module |
CWA 17960:2022 | ModGra - a Graphical representation of physical process models |
CWA 17967:2023 | Guidelines for design of advanced Human-Robot Collaborative cells in personalized HRC systems |
CWA 17974: 2023 | Basic CBRN training curriculum for first responders and medical staff including first receivers |
CWA 17995:2023 | Digital Sovereignety - European perspectives, general approach, and implications on standardisation |
CWA 18002:2023 | Best practices for hybridization and injection moulding of rigid control units on in-mould flexible devices |
CWA 18005: 2023 | Requirements and recommendations for social media early warning messages in crisis and disaster management |
CWA 18006:2023 | eXtended Reality for Learning and Performance Augmentation - Methodology, techniques, and data formats |
CWA 18009:2023 | Evaluation of exercises - Implementation Guidelines |
CWA 18011:2023 | Guidelines for the evaluation of the plane stress fracture toughness of advanced high strength sheets in the frame of fracture mechanics |
CWA 18012:2023 | Test method for the determination of a cracking resistance index for advanced high strength steel sheets |
CWA 18013:2023 | Collaborative emergency response - Common addressing format and emergency identification protocol |
CWA 18014:2023 | Mediation Grammar - A testing methodology for measuring the empowerment of users of public services for migrants |
CWA 18017:2023 | Management of forest fire incidents - SITAC-based symbology |
CWA 18018:2023 | Structuring an emergency response plan for crisis management stakeholders |
CWA 18019:2023 | Specifications for Digital Scenarios for Crisis Management Exercises |
CWA 18022:2023 | Exchanging of building and infrastructure damage information with Common Alerting Protocol |
CWA 18023:2023 | International and interinstitutional crisis and disaster management - Guideline for the mapping of terminology and icons |
CWA 18024:2023 | Emergency management - Incident situational reporting for critical infrastructures |
CWA 18028:2023 | Semantic layer definition and suitability of OASIS EDXL-CAP and OASIS EDXL-SitRep standards for crisis management in critical infrastructures |
CWA 18038:2023 | Methodology for managing maintenance strategy and remanufacturing projects of large industrial equipment |
CWA 18059-1:2023 | Definition of parameters required for modelling of the material, cell and manufacturing process behaviour for battery cells for the automotive market - Part 1: Data required for modelling the material, cell and manufacturing process for cells for the automotive market |
CWA 18059-2:2023 | Definition of parameters required for modelling of the material, cell and manufacturing process behaviour for battery cells for the automotive market - Part 2: Experiments and characterisation techniques for data required for modelling cells |
CWA 18083: 2024 | Methodology for the construction of omics-related knowledge graphs from animal, vegetal and environmental data |
CWA 18090: 2024 | User centric charging infrastructure for electric vehicles - Guidelines for operators to implement advanced smart charging and management strategies |
CWA 18091: 2024 | User centric charging infrastructure for electric vehicles - Charging stations of the future - Stations models considering users' expectations |
CWA 18096: 2024 | CBRNe SENSOR API - Network Protocols, Data Formats and Interfaces |
CWA 18095: 2024 | Recyclability of novel and sustainable energy harvesting and storage technologies for IoT and wireless sensor network |
CWA 18106: 2024 | Circularity Protocols for extending the useful Life of Large Industrial Equipment |
CWA 18107-1: 2024 | Advanced fatigue testing methods - Part 1: Self-heatingmeasurements |
CWA 18107-2: 2024 | Advanced fatigue testing methods - Part 2: Stiffness method |
CWA 18112: 2024 | Aluminium And Its Alloys - Fluidity Evaluation Via Multi Strip Testing Moulds |
CWA 18119: 2024 | A methodology to improve the recyclability rate of Strategic/Critical Metals from car electronics |
CWA 50748:2024 | Protocol for CBRN sensor connectivity |
Guidelines on Action Research for Large Scale Piloting | |
Trusted Data Transaction | |
EUB SuperHub - A harmonization of KPIs for supporting the next generation of EPCs | |
Evaluation of Process Intensification of Biorefining Processes for Economic and Sustainability Viability – EvaPIBioref | |
Standardized scaffolds library for tissue engineering research and industrial applications | |
Workflow from medical images towards optimal personalized implant designs | |
Methods for the process control of high-resolution mono- and multimaterial additive manufacturing | |
Raman instruments calibration and verification protocols | |
Raman instruments twinning protocol | |
Testing and evaluating the performance of electrolysers for reduction of CO2 to CO (CEN/WS SUNCOCHEM) | |
Guidelines for characterization of extracts for the recycling/upcycling of organic agrifood wastes (AGRO2CIRCULAR) | |
Unmanned aircraft systems - Counter UAS - Testing methodology | |
Methodology for the data-driven management of production processes | |
CWA 18153:2024
Brine Valorisation - Recovery of minerals and metals from brines of seawater desalination plants |
CWA 18155:2024 | Procedure guidelines to determinate 3-Hydroxyvalerate Content in PHBV by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
CWA 18157: 2024 | Pre-normative plan for H2 applications to passenger ships - Recommendations for H2 passenger ships from the early stage of design |
CWA 18174:2025 | Plastics - Recycled plastics - Characterization of polyvinylbutyral (PVB) recyclates |
Materials characterization – Terminology and structured documentation | |
Road maintenance operations guided by XR technologies combined with a robotic modular platform | |
Decision Support System for highway maintenance planning | |
Standardized On-site Audits of Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) for Buildings |